Family Trust

Arabon Accountants trust distribution minutes

Trust Distribution Minutes and Dividend Statements: what you need to know before June 30

The end of the financial year is fast approaching.  Have you made a start on your trust distribution minute and/or intend to pay your beneficiaries a dividend?  If you have a discretionary trust, then 30 June 2023 is an important date for you. The purpose of a trust is to separate the legal and beneficial […]

Trust Distribution Minutes and Dividend Statements: what you need to know before June 30 Read More »

Trust Distribution Minutes and Dividend Statements: what you need to know before June 30

It’s almost 30 June.  Have you done your trust distribution minute and/or intend to pay your beneficiaries a dividend?  If you have a discretionary trust, then 30 June is an important date for you. The purpose of a trust is to separate the legal and beneficial ownership of assets. The legal ownership of the asset

Trust Distribution Minutes and Dividend Statements: what you need to know before June 30 Read More »